Business Functions Library for Excel

      1. Getting Started
      2. Using The Help File
      3. Top Dozen Functions
      4. Golden Rules
      5. Excel 2007
      1. Go To
      2. Function Selector
      3. CalculateFull
      4. Calculate WorkSheet
      5. Trace Facility
      6. Quick Paste Example
      7. Tutorials
      8. Function Finder
      9. Examples
      10. Help
      11. Excel"s Function Wizard
      12. Access Internet
      13. Usage of Functions (Audit)
      14. Uninstall
      1. Time Periods
      2. Inclusive and Exclusive Dates
      3. Using Daycount
      4. Examples of DayCount
      5. Annual Date Sequences
      6. ProjMode and Inclusive Dates
      7. Date Rolling Convention
      1. Rate Projections Functions Walkthrough
      2. Accruals and Cash
      3. Repeating Formulae
      4. Range Names and References
      5. Optional Parameters
      6. Using PmtsPerYear
      7. Modelling Seasonality
      8. Calculating Interest
      9. Using Business Functions in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
      10. Array Functions
      11. Volatility
      12. Annual Equivalent Rates
      13. Array Function
      14. Auto Multi Functions
      15. Variable Plurality
      16. GoalSeek
      1. Introduction To the Worked Examples
      2. Daycount
      3. General Projections
      4. Business Plans
      5. Cashbasis And Periods
      6. Using Timebases
      7. Using Dates
      1. How To Generate a time scale for a structured financing
      2. How To Project Rents off a Rental Forecast
      3. How To Run a model on different time bases
      4. How To Isolate The Cause of a Errors in Cells using Trace
      1. Introduction to the Utilities
      2. Audit
      3. Synchronized Range Insert/Delete
      4. Database Edit
      5. Insert Macro Button
      6. Link Analyser
      7. Range Describer
      8. PrintScript (beta)
      9. Create Local Range Name
      1. Number Formats
      2. Apply BF"s Color Palette
      3. Bullets
      4. Color Cells
      5. Conditional Formats
      1. Validation DropDowms
      2. Validation Standards
      1. Select Excel Function
      2. Array Function Tools
      3. Sort Sheets
      4. Range Value
      5. Named Range Manager
      6. Enforce WorkBook Settings
      7. Monte-Carlo
      8. TimeChart
      1. The ".ini" file
      1. Forum
      2. Online Help
      3. Templates
      1. Conversion of Input Strings to Values
      2. List of Holidays
      3. Acknowledgements and Trademarks
      4. Published Editions Changes in Behaviour
      5. Range Handling And Constraints
      6. Dates in Excel and Business Functions
      7. Old Composite DayCount Format
      8. DayCount in Excels"s Functions
      1. NPV of Annual To Periodic CashFlows - CorrectionM
      2. Interest - Simple, Annual, Continous and Discount Factors
      1. New Functions
      2. Obsolete Functions
      3. Discontinued Functions
      4. Deprecated Functions
    Excel 2007
    How BF works under Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and later
    Business Functions works fine under Excel 2007 as well as previous versions as far back as Excel 97. Models developed under Excel 2003 or earlier will work fine with Business Functions.

    Currently (as at version 1.42) the only difference is the menu system, which under Excel 2007 is, of course, the new ribbon. The underlying VBA and C++ code is exactly the same. This is why, in the Business Functions directory, you will see busfun.xla, being the interface for Excel 97-2003, and busfun.xlam, the interface for Excel 2007, but only one library file, busfunlb.xll, for both versions. The installer will install the correct one for each version of Excel you have installed.

    Some time we will develop a specific Excel 2007+ version of the library. This will use exactly the same code for the functions themselves, but will be able to take advantage of Excels new larger ranges amd longer strings. This evolution will probably be invisible to you, the user. The old Excel 2003 and earlier library will always use the same codebase and will be developed concurrently.

    Essentially, the current BF for 2007 is an interfaced-tweaked version of the existing library.

    Just to repeat, there are no compatibility issues with BF with the arrival of Excel 2007.

    A couple of tips under Excel 2007
    • Press and hold the Alt key to see the keyboard shortcuts. As well as the Excel ones, BF is thoroughly keyboard shortcutted. For example, Alt-B brings up the BF Library ribbon, Alt-BH brings up BF Help (and its still context-sensitive).
    • Double clicking on the ribbon causes it to minimise, and give you more room to see your spreadsheet. You can get the ribbon back by either double clicking again, or waking it up by using a keyboard shortcut.
    • As you hover over a menu item or button (BF or Excel), a detailed tip will appear. It is actually two tips, a brief screentip and a more detailed so-called supertip.

    Large Range Limitations
    • You can refer to cells or ranges anywhere on the worksheet, up to column 16,384 (column XFD) and row 1048576.
    • You cannot have a range whose column extent is greater than 256 columns. That is because it has not yet been possible to build an optimised Excel 2007 version.
    • You cannot, in any event, have a range size greater than 10,000 cells. That is a longstanding BF limitation. We may increase this in future versions, but we are not convinced of the need and are a bit concerned about the potential performance hit.
    Our advice is not to get too carried away with the new found freedoms. The 256 column limit was a legitimate bugbear, and now its gone it is reasonable to build spreadsheets with several hundred columns, but not into the thousands. We do not think the row limit was ever a problem.

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